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PLAY Together Program

Unleash athleticism & fun in our Plyometrics, Isokinetic & Proprioception Team Training Program!


Service Description

Welcome to the ultimate fusion of athleticism and fun – your very own Team Training Program at PLAY Sports Performance System! Whether you're looking to ignite your team's competitive spirit or simply amplify their fitness journey, we've got the perfect blend of exercises and excitement to elevate every member. Picture this: your team gathers in the vibrant ambiance of our gym, pulsating with energy and motivation. As they step in, they're greeted by a dynamic atmosphere, where the air is charged with determination and the walls echo with the sounds of progress. First up, plyometrics – the art of explosive movements. Imagine your team bounding through the air like gazelles, conquering hurdles and leaping to new heights. With exercises designed to enhance agility, speed, and power, they'll feel like superheroes in training, ready to conquer any challenge that comes their way. Next, we dive into the realm of isokinetics – where resistance meets innovation. Here, your team will experience the thrill of pushing against controlled resistance, sculpting muscles and building strength in a way that's both exhilarating and effective. From leg presses to arm curls, every movement is met with precision and purpose, ensuring maximum gains and minimal strain. But wait, we're not done yet – it's time to unlock the power of proprioception. Guided by our expert trainers, your team will embark on a journey of balance and coordination, navigating through a series of challenges that test both mind and body. From balancing on unstable surfaces to mastering intricate footwork, they'll discover a newfound sense of control and confidence that extends far beyond the gym walls. Whether at your location or ours, our Team Training Program promises an experience like no other – where sweat meets smiles, and progress meets play. So gather your team, ignite their passion, and embark on a fitness adventure that will leave them feeling stronger, faster, and more united than ever before.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or rebook, please contact us 24 hours in advance. Any cancellations after the 24 hour period will still be subject to the original charge plus 15% cancellation fee.

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